Life demands you adopt a hard charging, hard nosed type A personality to survive, but wearing Birkenstocks reminds us that even the most assertive straight arrows need to put some leisure in their lives, one foot at a time.
Take a break and cultivate your type B personality traits.
Become Type Birkenstock.
Step into the View
Birkenstock has helped countless pairs of feet wander into finding hidden gems all over the world. We’ll emplace molded bronze Birkenstocks to mark some of these locations as an invitation to slow down and soak in the scenery.
Birks X Uber
We’ve all gone travelling and realized our shoes are killing us.
We’ll deliver a rental pair of Birks pronto to give your feet a break. Return them later with the included shipping label or, if you can’t bear to give up the comfort, keep them for an additional charge.
Stories from the B-Side
Birkenstock’s Instagram will start a new story feed highlighting unique, off-the-beaten-path locations that only Type Birkenstocks would be able to find. From the charming diner in flyover country to the cabinet of curiosity museum in city hall, Birkenstock is determined to find the hidden gems in everyone’s neighborhood.
Strong Towns
Working in partnership with leading advocate for walkable cities, Strong towns, Birkingstocks will create a ranked list of delightfully walkable small towns to meander about.
Copywriter: Joshua Kim